New Mexico communities mourn the loss of NMSP officer Darian Jarrott

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.- The loss of New Mexico State Police officer Darian Jarrott is hitting many New Mexico communities hard.

He was killed Thursday while conducting a traffic stop near Deming.

"It’s like we’ve lost family," said Maureen Thornock, a family friend of the officer.

Jarrott’s father is a manager at her Lordsburg restaurant.

Thornock said the entire town was in shock when they learned Jarrott was killed in the line of duty.

"The whole town is just devastated," she said. "I don’t think you’ll find anybody that did not know Darian, that does not know the family.”

Former NMSP Sgt. Robert Barrera said Jarrott was a stand-up person.

"He was the nicest guy. Darian is the type of person, and it comes from the way he was raised, Darian would literally, he would take the shirt off his back to give to you," Barrera said.

In Las Cruces, where the police change ended, and the suspect was killed, businesses are rallying around the Jarrott family.

The print and apparel shop, House of Grafix, started raising money for his family.

A local furniture store owner donated $2,000.

"The police departments always put their lives on the line for us, and it’s a good thing every once in a while to try to give back to the community," said Aaron Laubhan, who owns a local business.

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