Albuquerque city council approves funding for San Pedro area revitalization
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Albuquerque city councilors approved new funding aimed at revitalizing a small stretch of San Pedro Wednesday night.
“I’ve been waiting, and I am glad this day to come,” said Debbie Truong, owner of Sister Salon near San Pedro and Lomas.
The new ordinance allocates $20,000 to the “Revitalize San Pedro Partnership” to secure an official “MainStreet” designation through the state’s Economic Development Department.
The New Mexico MainStreet Program assists communities in rebuilding and revitalizing downtown corridors.
There are more than two dozen MainStreet areas throughout New Mexico – including ones in Nob Hill, Barelas, South Valley, Corrales, and several other cities.
The legislation says MainStreet overlays are “intended to be lively, highly walkable 19 streets lined with local-serving businesses, modeled after the American tradition of Main Street as a place for living, working and shopping.”
“Make it walking distance, make it inviting for this whole entire community, this whole entire street in the hub of Albuquerque.”
It’s not clear exactly what improvements could be coming to the San Pedro area.
Officials say the MainStreet designation will open the door for more assistance and funding down the line. Other MainStreet projects have included new sidewalks, street paving, building repairs and new public spaces.
Truong says she’s excited to see new development in her little slice of Albuquerque.
“I’m very, very proud of this city and the state, you know, I want to see better, and I think together we can be better,” said Truong.