Advocates rally to protect immigrant-friendly policies in Albuquerque

Advocates rally to protect immigrant-friendly policies in Albuquerque

In Albuquerque, there is a push to protect the city's immigrant-friendly policies. On Monday, city leaders and local advocates held a rally in front of City Hall.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – In Albuquerque, there is a push to protect the city’s immigrant-friendly policies. On Monday, city leaders and local advocates held a rally in front of City Hall.

They’re protesting a proposal backed by city councilors Brook Bassan and Renee Grout. It would allow police to contact ICE agents if someone was charged with a violent felony, drug trafficking or human trafficking.  

“This is not the time to use people as political pawns. Today we need to make a strong statement that we value our immigrant community in Albuquerque, we stand with them no matter what, and we need to protect our immigrant-friendly status,” said City Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn. 

The proposed amendment is headed to the city’s Finance Committee.