Tips for putting out campfires during dry summer months in New Mexico

Tips for putting out campfires during dry summer months in New Mexico

With the unofficial start of summer this weekend, a good bit of people will be heading out to our beautiful forests for many reasons. If one of those reasons is camping, we have a good refresher for you.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – With the unofficial start of summer this weekend, a good bit of people will be heading out to our beautiful forests for many reasons. If one of those reasons is camping, we have a good refresher for you.

Most people know how to put out a campfire, but it is always a good reminder to know the proper way.

According to the Forest Service, you will want to follow these steps:

  • Never leave a fire unattended 
  • Make sure, if you can, to allow the fire to burn all the way to ash
  • Pour water onto the embers or ashes to drown it
  • If no water is available, then shovel dirt to smother the fire

Watch the video above for more from Meteorologist Brandon Richards.