Chaves County deputies cracking down on reckless driving

Chaves County deputies cracking down on reckless driving

This past weekend, the Chaves County Sheriff's Office arrested three people for two, separate cases of reckless driving

This past weekend, the Chaves County Sheriff’s Office arrested three people for two separate cases of reckless driving.

In one case, a truck tried to get away from deputies but ended up spinning out of control and crashing through a cinder block wall.

The driver came out uninjured.

Undersheriff Charles Yslas, with the Chaves County Sheriff’s office, says they have seen an influx of reckless drivers in Roswell.

“These are the types of things that that that we’re seeing. These are the types of things that we are we are out trying to prevent. Again, it’s not about it’s not about catching them. It’s about preventing them,” Yslas said.

New orders were placed, at the beginning of the year. Deputies are required to arrest reckless driving suspects on the spot.

“At the beginning of the year, I put out an order that stated that if they are caught racing upon the roadway, they will be arrested,” Yslas said.

It’s also peeling out, doing donuts, showing off engine power, and reckless driving.

“We’ve made it very clear that if we catch you, we will we will arrest you and we will tow your vehicle. And before you’re done, it’ll cost you some money and some time and if that’s what it takes to save your life or the life of another, then so be it.”

A reckless driving conviction could mean a week in jail and half of the 12 points of violations it takes to suspend your driver’s license.

Deputies will also arrest juveniles but release them to their parents.

“You can be the best driver in the world, but it’s it’s oftentimes that other person. So we’re asking everybody to please pay attention, drive defensively when you come to an intersection, even though you might have the green light, slow down a little bit. Look both ways because you just don’t know what could be coming in either direction,” Yslas said.