House passes bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote

House passes bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote

On Wednesday, the U.S. House approved some significant changes to the country's voter registration laws.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Usually in a presidential election year, the talk is all about who you’ll vote for. But now there are questions over who can vote in the first place. 

On Wednesday, the U.S. House approved some significant changes to the country’s voter registration laws.

It’s called the Save Act. The Republican-backed proposal is reportedly aimed at preventing non-Americans from voting in U.S. elections.

KOB 4 spoke to local policy advocates who argue the bill would actually disenfranchise many U.S. citizens.

The proposal from Texas Republican Congressman Chip Roy would require all Americans to show proof of citizenship in order to vote.

According to the bill, that can include a birth certificate, passport or other credentials that prove someone is a U.S. citizen. Just a driver’s license, tribal ID or military ID wouldn’t cut it anymore.

Republican leaders say this is an effort to block non-citizens from influencing U.S. elections even though it’s already illegal for non-citizens to vote, and there is no substantial evidence showing they are.

Policy advocates with the New Mexico Immigrant Law Center argue the bill is not actually about election safety.

“It is intended to really disenfranchise people under the guise that it’s really to protect the integrity of our elections. And ultimately, if you when you hear the rhetoric that’s being used, it’s demonizing immigrants and creating these unnecessary obstacles to voting,” said Jessica Martinez, director of policy with the New Mexico Immigrant Law Center.  

Advocates believe the new law would actually hurt many U.S. citizens by imposing new hurdles to vote, which is a right afforded to all citizens.

“If you lost your birth certificate or landed up burned in a fire, you have to request that. Some people don’t have passports so it’s its requiring these extra layers and loopholes to get these things,” said Martinez. 

Despite those concerns, the House approved the proposal with some bipartisan support. Five Democrats voted yes, along with Republicans. All three of New Mexico’s Congressional representatives voted no.

“We have laws to protect election integrity and prevent non-citizens from voting in federal elections. The SAVE Act does not ensure election security, instead it creates significant barriers to voter registration and participation,” said Congressman Rep. Gabe Vasquez.

It’s worth noting this bill is basically dead in the water. It’s not likely the proposal will make it past the Democrat-controlled Senate, and President Biden already signaled he would veto it if it makes it to his desk.