New youth detox facility prepares to open in Albuquerque

New youth detox facility prepares to open in Albuquerque

The teens and young adults who come to Serenity Mesa Recovery Center in Albuquerque are working on a foundation for a better future.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – The teens and young adults who come to Serenity Mesa Recovery Center in Albuquerque are working on a foundation for a better future. Sometimes that starts with a difficult detox from drugs or alcohol. 

“It’s kind of like having like the worst flu you can imagine,” said Jennifer Serenity, executive director of Serenity Mesa. 

Burke says the nonprofit offers a 90-day inpatient treatment program and housing for people between 14 and 21 years old.  

But in the past, they’d have to turn clients away if they tested positive for substances. Soon, they won’t have to. 

“We’re hopeful we can provide a comfortable kind of homey environment for them to detox in, and they can start their recovery journey in a safe place. Also, we provide medication because it’s a painful process to go through,” said Serenity. 

Come September, they’ll open a detox center on their campus. It’ll have six beds to take in 14 to 18 year olds. 

“Right now we see a lot of 14 and 15 year olds that are coming into Serenity Mesa that are struggling with a fentanyl addiction,” said Serenity. 

Burke says most facilities don’t accept anyone younger than 18.

“Fentanyl is so dangerous and a lot of people, if they don’t find a treatment program or something they can get into, they’re not going to make it,” Serenity said. 

Medical directors will oversee the staff of nurses and doctors. Burke says they designed the space to feel more like a home than a hospital.

“When you’re sick like that you just want to be comfortable, you just want to be able to take a hot shower, you want comfortable clothes to change into, Gatorade, hot tea. You want those comforts anyone would want if they’re really, really sick. So we’re taking that same approach,” Serenity said. 

A calm place for healing, before they step into the next phase of their life. 

“Once they’re stable and through the worst of it, we’ll transition them to our longer treatment where they can stay 90 days,” said Serenity. 

Serenity Mesa is going to host a celebration for the opening of the detox facility on Aug. 22 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 3701 Condershire Drive SW.

The facility will start accepting patients in September.