City leaders cracking down on transit safety in Albuquerque

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — City leaders are highlighting a list of rules they plan to closely enforce on public transit in Albuquerque to ensure people feel safe.

“The number one issue we hear about is people don’t feel on the bus. You give us six months implement what we have here, we should again feel safe on our bus system,” Mayor Tim Keller said. “They’re fairly obvious but for those of us who ride the bus want to acknowledge it’s a problem. Rules like no sleeping across seats. You have to fold your stroller. You can’t block an aisle. No drinking, no smoking, no illicit substances. All of those basics we are now going to enforce. That’s the difference.”

More law enforcement officers will be present on buses and at bus stops and shelters.

According to the mayor, incidents are already down 30% after just a few months.

APD Commander Gerard Bartlett says they’re also improving communication.

“We’ve bridged some gaps in communication. Our police service aides, who are actually on the bus, are on the same radio frequency as our patrolmen. So if a police officer is needed, they’re just one radio call away, just like any law enforcement officer in Albuquerque,” Commander Bartlett said.

Althea Atherton has ridden buses in Albuquerque for eight years. Atherton also serves on the Transit Advisory Board. She says she has seen a major difference and improvement with transit.

“There’s also a presence of Albuquerque Community Safety. They are often the ones who respond to people, like at the Alvarado Transit Center. They get people the help they need,” Atherton said. “Even the transit safety officers, I’m impressed with their de-escalation tactics. They don’t want to be out here criminalizing people. They want to de-escalate it first.

Here are the updates to the rules, from the City of Albuquerque:

Updates to the Rules to Ride:

  • No more eating and drinking – only drinks with closed, sealable containers
  • No smoking including vaping and e-cigarettes
  • No blocking the bus aisle with bags or items

New Rules in the Rules to Ride:

  • No large carts
  • No loud music
  • No drug use
  • No sleeping across multiple seats, taking up more than one seat is prohibited
  • No littering
  • No defacing property
  • No abusive behavior
  • General respect for each other