2022 legislative session: How to track bills, watch livestream, stay engaged

New Mexico’s 30-day legislative session begins Tuesday, Jan. 18.

The agenda for the session is expected to focus on public safety, tax cuts, voting rights and raises for teachers, among other subjects.

Here’s what you need to know so that you can stay informed and engaged:

Face masks are mandatory inside the New Mexico State Capitol. There are no exceptions. In order to go inside the Roundhouse, proof of vaccination is also required.

"There is general consensus that you need to have all three shots and there will be discussions about how many people can participate in person," Sen. Peter Wirth said.

All weapons, including guns, are banned from the Roundhouse – that includes people with a concealed carry permit. There will be metal detectors at each entrance of the Capitol.

This year, there will be no school field trips, no live performances or exhibits inside the Capitol.

Important links

Note: All House committee meetings will be virtual. House Speaker Brian Egolf said House floor sessions will be in person, but lawmakers who have COVID-19 or are considered high risk will have the option to participate virtually.

Many committee meetings will be virtual this session. Here’s how you can engage online:

  • Go to nmlegis.gov
  • Click on the tab "What’s Happening"
  • On the left, you can see what’s going on in the House. On the right, you can see the Senate’s action. Embedded in the PDF documents of each committee is a link to watch the webcast or jump into the Zoom meeting to speak on behalf of a bill.