ABQ 4WARD: APD homicide detectives are stretched thin
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — As the number of homicide cases continues to climb, the Albuquerque Police Department is trying to keep up.
APD Chief Harold Medina said the homicide unit has grown to 13 active detectives in 2021.
The recommended caseload is around five or six new cases per year, but some detectives have already exceeded that.
Due to that workload, the city has already paid out almost $160,000 in overtime this year.
Sometimes, those homicide cases don’t even end up in the hands of the homicide unit. Other detectives are jumping in to help.

"It should be an elite position within the detective world, but it’s not necessarily," Medina said. "The homicide unit is not going to like to hear this from their chief, but it’s not elite within the department."
In fact, homicide detectives are on the same pay scale as patrolmen – based on rank and time in service.
Click on the video at the top of the page to see Brittany Costello break down APD staffing levels.