Albuquerque photography studio experiences second break-in in a week

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The owners of an Albuquerque photography studio are feeling devastated once again after thieves broke into their studio for the second time in the past week.

"First of all, you feel very violated,” said Kim Jew, owner of Kim Jew Photography.

The first break-in occurred last Wednesday.

"Just no respect for peoples’ property,” Kim said.

This time, the culprit was a thin, tattooed man who broke in through the side door.

"Somebody set off the alarm, so right away I went to my computer to see the monitor and sure enough, this guy was breaking in."

During the first break-in, a long-haired, glasses-wearing crook crawled through the front door and made off with cash, cameras, and memory cards.

"I really feel it’s all drug related,” Kim said.

Kim said the first thief has been identified, and police have issued a warrant for his arrest. There’s still no word of whether he’s been caught.

"We talked to the officer, and they’re short. They’re very short of help. No wonder they can’t get to these kind of cases,” Kim said. “They’re more concerned about the murders and things like that. I just feel bad for the police."

Kim and his family are asking for the public’s help to identify the second suspect.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police.