APS leaders propose new reentry plan

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.- The Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education is meeting Wednesday night to determine whether to offer a hybrid learning option.

Many teachers have made themselves clear, saying they want to be vaccinated or see improving COVID-19 conditions in Bernalillo County before returning for in-person learning.

However, some students and parents have said they want in-person learning to resume.

A proposal being considered Wednesday tries to meet both parties in the middle.

According to the school board agenda, school officials will propose a voluntary return to the classroom for students and teachers.

Families and staff have been asked about their intent to return to campuses, and principals would use that information to determine how many students would be allowed to go back to school.

The proposal calls for teachers to return to school on Monday.

The limited hybrid would begin on March 1.

The proposal also says if Bernalillo is in green, then hybrid will begin at 50% capacity.

The proposal adds that digital instruction will continue to be the primary mode of instruction inside and outside the classroom.

Students would be going to school two days a week, based on their last names.

Due to the voluntary approach to hybrid, the district would create a wait list for students who want to go to school where there is limited space.

Click here to read the full reentry proposal