Balloon Fiesta Park drive-in prepares to reopen under loosened COVID restrictions
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Drive-in movie venues in Bernalillo County are gearing up to reopen after Gov. Lujan Grisham moved the county into yellow level COVID restrictions Wednesday.
"Back in business. It’s a good thing,” said Brandom Broemmer, facility director for the Balloon Fiesta drive-in.
Broemmer makes sure things run smoothly for pop-up movies of American at Balloon Fiesta Park. While he’s excited movies are coming back, he also expressed some concerns.
"There’s definitely some issues with moving goal posts. You know, we think we’re ready to go, and we find out the day before, or two days before—the example would be the port-a-potties. Being told we can’t have porta-potties,” Broemmer said.
Due to the public health order, bathrooms are reserved for employees only.

The drive-in will be allowed to increase its capacity from 40 cars to 80 cars, and people will be required to remain in their cars.
Broemmer said he questions whether drive-ins are being treated fairly.
"We’ve never had one infraction, we’ve never had one case related to an event at our location and everything we’ve done has been very, very COVID safe, to not be able to the same things other businesses, restaurants, etc. are able to do, has really hindered us,” he said.
Food trucks are still not allowed at drive-in movie events. Despite the restrictions, Broemmer said they plan to press play.
"We’re super excited to be here and get these movies back available here in the Albuquerque area,” he said.
The Croods 2 will be showing Thursday at 6 p.m. To purchase tickets, click here