Better Businesses Bureau advises against posting picture of vaccination card online

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.- People who receive the COVID-19 vaccine get a card that says they’ve been vaccinated.

Many people have posted the card on social media.

"I think anyone who has social media can just scroll through your feeds," said Victoria Carreon of the Better Business Bureau. "You can see friends and co-workers sharing pictures with their cards, it’s a historical moment. People want to document it and share it online."

The Better Business Bureau is advising people against showing off their vaccination card. The organization says the post could open up people to identity theft.

"Your vaccination card has a lot of personal information," Carreon said. "Your first and last name, in some cases your middle initial, perhaps your date of birth, or your address."

The information could be used to open up an account in someone’s name.

"If you’re putting your information out there, someone can try to duplicate your card and make an exact copy," Carreon said.

People who feel the need to share the moment may want to consider sharing a picture of themselves receiving the shot, rather than showing off the card, Carreon said.