‘Everyone is taking it slow’: Local brewery takes its time reopening indoor service

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — More New Mexico counties moved into the green and yellow phase of COVID restrictions Wednesday. With loosened COVID restrictions, restaurants can now start to offer indoor dining again.

Some places like Brew Lab 101 Beer and Cider Co. in Rio Rancho jumped on the opportunity to open up tables inside, however other breweries like Red Door are taking their time.

“Do this mad scramble again to get everything open, it’ll depend on who’s available and ready to come to work,” said Ali Cattin, with Red Door Brewing Co.

Cattin said staffing is the main obstacle.

“We have schedules that are already posted,” she said. “Our staff, we like to give them time to plan their lives. A lot of staff have been furloughed. Some staff have taken other jobs waiting for us to reopen to the point where we can have them back on, and it’ll be worth their time and they can make money."

Cattin said she hopes Bernalillo won’t regress to the red phase, and that COVID numbers continue to stay low so their reopening efforts won’t be for nothing.

"It’s 25 percent. It’s OK. It’ll be nice to have more people in here and indoors, but really what we’ve found is that the public isn’t ready or anxious to get out. Everyone is taking it slow and making sure it’s safe,” she said.