Farmington mother organizes march and rally for murdered son

FARMINGTON, N.M. – A mother in Farmington said she will not stop fighting for her murdered son until she gets justice.

Vangie Randall-Shorty, mother of Zachariah Juwaun Shorty, organized a rally Saturday on behalf of her son and countless others.

"That’s the Journey Inn is where Zach went missing from. July 21, 2020," said Vangie.

The Journey Inn was the first stop for Vangie and others who were there to walk and rally on behalf of her son. His body was found last year, only four days after going missing.

"Again, we are here on Zachariah’s behalf, hoping to make changes and bring awareness to our community,” said Vangie.

And also to bring awareness to the countless other unsolved cases of Indigenous men and women who have gone missing and or murdered.

Family members of other victims also spoke during the rally.

"When I feel hopeless and weak, I read her letter over and over and I tell her, ‘I will find you. I will not give up on you."

The group walked for about 45 minutes. It was a day full of emotion but for Vangie and others they said it’s the least they can do until they get justice for their relatives.

"We’re human beings, just like everyone else. Just because we may not walk the right path doesn’t mean that we need to be killed or we need to be missing."