Navajo Nation hiring to help distribute Cares Act funds

WINDOW ROCK, AZ-The Navajo Nation held job fairs to help fill positions as the second phase of the Cares Act has been approved.

The Office of the Controller will reopen the Cares Act Hardship applications on Aug. 1 for those Navajo Nation members, who did not apply for relief funds last year.

"We will be hiring local people to help us implement the phase 2 hardship assistance, we already scheduled job fairs," said Navajo Nation acting Controller, Elizabeth Begay.

Last year, the Navajo Nation received funding from the Cares Act hardship program and its proved to be helpful for some.

"Over $319 million in Cares Act funds was issued to approximately 308,000 enrolled members,” said Navajo Nation President, Jonathan Nez.

On Monday, July 12, nation leaders held a town hall meeting to talk about the second and final phase of the hardship program.

"$41,979,377 million remains unspent and will be used for the final phase of the hardship program," said Nez.

The first job fair was on Tuesday at the Shiprock Chapter, positions for office specialists, assistants, and interns all needed to be filled.

"It’s very important to give back to people, I know we have these vacant positions available," said Faryn Garcia employee in the Office of the Controller. "Letting the Navajo Nation help those normal people, as well as to provide that information for the Cares Act, it’s really going to help those individuals who are currently looking for a job, we’re currently hiring them on the spot."

The Chinle and St. Michaels chapters will also have job fairs for locals this week.