New Mexico Restaurant Association launches recruitment campaign
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — New Mexico restaurants are struggling to hire workers, so they’re taking a new approach to fill the gaps.
The New Mexico Restaurant Association is launching a new campaign called "Hungry for Success."
"There are exciting careers here in the restaurant industry and we hope that folks will check it out when they no longer have that federal benefit," said Carol Wight with the NMRA.
Wight said the struggling industry isn’t going to change overnight. She estimates it will take another six months before a sense of normalcy is restored.
"I think we are going to turn a corner here, and a corner we really needed to turn," Wight said. "So many restaurants are shut down right now and not completely shut down, they are having to shut down on Mondays or Tuesdays, a lot of them are making their hours shorter."

The NMRA has a job board with hundreds of openings listed.