NMAA approves new high school sports calendar

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.- The NMAA approved a new high school sports calendar Monday.

Football, volleyball and cross country can start Feb. 22.

Soccer can kick off practice March 1.

There are still logistics to be worked out, but officials are confident students will be playing sports again.

The governor’s office released the following statement about high school sports:

PED and the governor’s office are working with the NMAA to finalize guidance and CSPs (COVID-safe practices) for school-based athletics. The state is optimistic we can safely resume some of these in-person activities after and in conjunction with a safe expansion of in-person learning. While the NMAA may have made announcements or released tentative schedules, the state has not yet finalized those guiding documents.

The priority is safely expanding in-person learning opportunities for New Mexico students, and any potential changes to additional guidelines will be dependent upon the success with which New Mexicans continue to slow the spread of the virus by wearing a mask and not gathering unnecessarily with non-household members.