Old Town sees business bump two weeks after NM reopens
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Old Town was packed Saturday as all the shops were open — and parking spots were hard to find.
Folks were throwing around a new word.
"It’s getting like it’s got back to normal. And I’m hoping it’s going to stay that way," said Susan Parson, a New Mexico native.
New Mexico has been fully reopened for two weeks, and it shows.
"I also think the vaccination rate makes it a little more comfortable. Knowing it’s higher here than other places, maybe, makes it more comfortable to come out here," said Ariel Goff-Burson.

Shops like Raven Blues Coffeehouse Cafe are OK with it.
"It’s been like…it’s booming. I would say. We have tons of tourists now from all over and before that, it was pretty much locals,” said an employee with Raven Blues Coffeehouse Café. "Our sales are about the same as it was before the pandemic."
The employee said she talked to a handful of travelers from Texas, Arizona and Colorado.