Pay It 4ward Official Rules

1. HOW TO ENTER: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. We are looking for stories about people who deserve the KOB-TV Pay It 4ward award. In order to enter, log on to website from 12:00:00 a.m. (MT) on Monday, January 17, 2022, through 11:59:59 pm (MT) on Friday, January 20, 2023 and click on the “Pay It 4ward” tab, and complete the entry form, which must include the following: your name, telephone number, email address, and address, along with the full name of the person you are nominating, how you know the person you are nominating, and then explain in 200 words or less the reason you are nominating this person and what this person has done to lead you to believe they should be the Pay It 4ward Winner. The person being nominated must reside in the KOB-TV viewing area to be eligible. A person may not nominate themselves, and a person may not nominate a family member. KOB-TV is not responsible for problems accessing the website, technical or atmospheric conditions that disrupt the completion of the entry, or any other problems which might or might not result from this contest. Viewers may enter this contest more than once, but may only nominate any given person once.
2. HOW THE WINNERS ARE CHOSEN: Each week, starting on January 17, 2022 and lasting through the end of the contest period, with the final judging on or before January 20, 2023, one winner will be chosen from all qualified entries received. Weekly winners will be chosen by a panel of judges designated by KOB-TV, in their sole and absolute discretion, and will be based on the following judging criteria: what the nominee has done to deserve a Pay It 4ward award (75%) and what impact the $400.00 prize will have on the nominee’s life (25%). The top scoring entry each week will be deemed that week’s potential winner. The person nominating that potential winner may be asked to go with the KOB news team representative(s) to present the Pay it 4ward award to their nominee. As part of the judging process, both nominator and nominee will be vetted and must be approved by the KOB staff prior to being deemed a winner. KOB-TV reserves the right to not award a winner each week throughout the contest period in the event there are not enough qualified entries received by the Friday of each week or if KOB-TV is unable to coordinate the awarding of the prize with the nominator. In such event, there will not be a winner for any week wherein not enough qualified entries are received. All non-winning entries from any given week WILL be carried over to subsequent weeks.
3. AWARDS: There will be up to fifty-two (52) grand prize winner Awards. Each grand prize winning nominator will receive a $400.00 Award. In order to be an eligible winner, winner must be willing to accept his/her award on-camera during the presentation to their nominee and be featured during a KOB-TV newscast. A qualified winner must also meet the eligibility requirements as set forth in Paragraph 5 of these rules. By accepting an Award, the winner understands and agrees that a 1099 form may be submitted to all appropriate taxing authorities, and that the winner is solely responsible for all taxes associated with accepting the Award.
4. CLAIMING YOUR AWARD: Each nominator will be notified by telephone or email by a KOB-TV representative; and as a condition of the nominator receiving the Award to present to the nominee, the nominator must be able to present the nominee with his/her Pay It 4ward Award within 60 minutes of the nominator being given the $400 Pay It 4ward Award to present to the nominee. The nominator must be accompanied by the KOB-TV reporter, camera person and crew to present the Award to the nominee. The presentation of the Award by the nominator to the nominee will be featured on KOB-TV newscasts.
Each nominator must prove he/she is eligible to win by presenting identification acceptable to KOB-TV (e.g., state driver’s license; state issued identification card; valid passport with address verification; or birth certificate with social security card and photo identification and address verification). If a nominator cannot prove he/she is eligible, the Award will not be awarded. All unclaimed Awards remain the property of KOB-TV.
5. ELIGIBILITY: Nominators must be 18 years or older and residents of New Mexico or the KOB-TV broadcast area and a U. S. citizen. Employees of KOB-TV, LLC and Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc., or any of its subsidiaries, and their immediate families, any Pay It 4ward sponsoring company as well as their subsidiaries, and their immediate families, or employees of Albuquerque area radio or television stations are not eligible to enter. Anyone participating in this contest or claiming a prize in this contest in violation of these rules will be disqualified from winning a prize in this contest and from participating in KOB-TV contests for a period of one year. Disqualification is at the sole discretion of KOB-TV. KOB-TV’s decisions in this regard shall be final.
6. RELEASE; CONSENT TO USE LIKENESS, AND ADDRESS: Each winner, as a condition of accepting an Award, (a) agrees to release KOB-TV, LLC and Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc. (including their subsidiaries, affiliates, parent or related companies) as well as any Pay It 4ward sponsors (including their subsidiaries, affiliates, parent or related companies) from any and all liability, claims, damages and actions arising directly or indirectly out of or sustained in connection with the awarding or acceptance of the prize(s), and (b) consents to the use by KOB-TV for promotional purposes of his or her likeness and/or voice, and/or address (city/state) without any additional compensation. By entering this contest, each nominator agrees to the application of these official rules.
7. WINNER LIST: For a list of winners (names only), send a self-addressed, stamped envelope before February 10, 2023, to Winners List, Pay It 4ward Contest, KOB-TV, 4 Broadcast Plaza S.W., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104.
8. MISCELLANEOUS: Decisions of KOB-TV concerning any and all matters with respect to this contest shall be final. Contest is void where prohibited or otherwise restricted by law. Prizes are not transferable or exchangeable. Prizes must be accepted in their entirety. KOB-TV reserves the right to change the prize values at any time. If KOB-TV determines in their sole discretion that the integrity or fairness of this contest has been corrupted in any manner, KOB-TV reserves the right to terminate the contest and to select a winner from among entries legitimately received prior to termination. KOB-TV is not responsible for delays attributable to web casting, technical or atmospheric conditions that disrupt the completion of the entries, or any other computer problems which may or may not result from this contest.