Hobbs mother accused of throwing baby in dumpster asks for visitation

HOBBS, N.M. — Alexis Avila was charged with attempted first-degree murder and child abuse after reportedly tossing her newborn baby into a dumpster in Hobbs earlier this year.

Surveillance video of the incident went viral on social media, and random dumpster divers become heroes after finding the baby boy, still alive.

Now, Avila wants her conditions of release to be changed. She wants to be allowed to go into her backyard and have contact with her nieces and nephews. She also wants to have supervised visits with the child she’s accused of nearly killing.

Avila’s lawyers said she has stayed out of trouble. Avila is reportedly getting counseling and completed her high school graduation requirements. She is also enrolled in college with plans to study psychology.

However, prosecutors are fighting those requests. They said the arguments they made back in January still stand.

"That baby was found in a trash can, had trash thrown in on top of it, because no one would’ve known it was a baby," Fifth Judicial District Attorney Dianna Luce said. "Her actions are such that we can’t predict what she might or might not do."

Prosecutors said the fact Avila was able to complete high school without racking up new charges shows the conditions are working and should stay in place. A hearing has not been scheduled for this decision yet.