A degree in social media influencing? One New Mexico native explains.

A degree in social media influencing? One New Mexico native explains.

Social media influencing has become such a big thing in recent years that some colleges are even offering a degree in it now.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Most of us are guilty of mindlessly scrolling through social media but have you ever wondered who gets us sucked into watching videos for crazy amounts of time?

They’re widely known as influencers or content creators. As the name, “influencer,” suggests, they may have influenced you into buying products. Some of them even make millions promoting products and sharing their lives online.

Now, there’s a new way to learn the tricks of the trade yourself. 

In the video above, Tamara Lopez gives you a glimpse at what it takes to be a professional influencer, and where you can soon get a degree in that business.