ABQ BioPark says goodbye to beloved African serval

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The ABQ BioPark team is mourning the loss of Savanna, their African serval who they say passed away recently.

The staff is remarking at the longevity of Savanna. The median life expectancy of a serval like her is 13.5 years.

Savanna lived to be 22 years old.

Savanna came to the BioPark at around four months old. Staff hand-raised her, allowing her to become an Ambassador Animal. They say, for many years, you could spot her taking a walk through the grass on her harness, training with her team or participating in education programs.

Since Savanna retired, she’s been enjoy cat-naps on the Catwalk and lived out her golden years comfortably until recently.

“Because of the close bond Savanna had with our animal care team, they knew right away when her quality of life declined. After consultation with our expert veterinary staff, the decision was made to compassionately euthanize her yesterday,” a news release stated.

While the team is grieving the loss of Savanna, they say they’re also remembering “a long life of fond memories” that “will keep her near in the hearts of those who knew her best.”