Advocacy group carries on after threats cancel event in San Juan County

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FARMINGTON, N.M. — An LGBTQ+ advocacy nonprofit working in San Juan County is getting back on its feet after an event was canceled earlier this month due to threats toward the venue owner.

Identity Inc. was set to have an August 12 event at a brewery in Aztec, NM, with the goal of collecting school supplies for teachers and students in need – until those threats came up. Those threats aren’t new, either.

“That’s mostly why people have those feelings towards the LGBTQ2S+ community because they don’t want to understand,” said Nicole Hall, of Identity. “So if we just hated everything that we didn’t understand as humans, then we wouldn’t have, you know, evolved into who we are now.”

The organization says they even received threats at their former headquarters in downtown Farmington. Now, they’re experiencing hate on social media. Even still, they want to continue their mission.

“There are queer people, there are trans people there are two-spirit people that live here in Farmington and in the greater state of New Mexico,” said Lady Shug, of Identity. so I just want to let any folks know and any young folks and any people in our community know that your voice is valid. It’s not important who you love but it’s important that you know that you’re loved and Identity will always be here and support them whether they want us or not.”

Although they no longer have a safe space for everyone to use to discover their identity or fully embrace it, they’re hoping to raise enough for a new location, in addition to raising money to help students and teachers in need. To donate, visit their GoFundMe page.