AFR welcomes four-legged member to squad

AFR welcomes new unofficial member

LIberty was dropped off at Station 1, and quickly taken in and beloved by the firefighters there.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Firefighters at the downtown Albuquerque station have a new coworker – except this one has four legs, a furry coat and floppy ears.

They call their coworker Liberty but you could also call her the unofficial emotional support animal for the station.

A couple of months ago, someone dropped Liberty off at Fire Station 1. The fire station basically became her home.

“She seemed like a really sweet dog, so I figured I’d give her a try at the house. I brought her home, and she, within 24 hours, was absolutely thrilled to be there, and a great fit for our family,” said Riley McMullan, an EMT driver with Albuquerque Fire Rescue.

McMullan adopted Liberty and secured her unofficial spot on AFR’s squad.

“I figured that she’d be a good station dog to have around. And she’s been coming with me for the past four months, Pretty much every cycle that we come to work. It’s really nice to have her with us,” he said.

She’s smart enough to get your tricks and is sweeter than a bag of treats.

“We had two other dogs at the time, and she got along really well with them,” McMullan said.

A little shy but that’s okay. Liberty seems to be the paw-fect addition to Station 1.

“I’m stationed here at 1, so our whole crew enjoys her being around. They have a good relationship with her,” McMullan said. “You know, we go on stressful calls and are up throughout the night. So it’s really nice to come back to the station and have someone be there to be happy to see you.”