Albuquerque ambulance arrives in Ukraine after monthslong journey

Donated Albuquerque ambulance arrives in Ukraine

An ambulance that the City of Albuquerque donated to Kharkiv, Ukraine, has made it after an almost-three-month journey.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — An ambulance that the City of Albuquerque donated to Kharkiv, Ukraine, has made it after an almost-three-month journey.

In May, the City of Albuquerque donated a the truck to Kharkiv, a sister city of Albuquerque. Before shipping it overseas, crews made some repairs. Now, it is serving as an ambulance for the city of Kharkiv as Russia’s war in Ukraine continues to impact the region.

“My thanks, my love to Albuquerque. Thank you very much. All Ukrainians and all Kharkiv citizens say thank you very much. See you soon, my dear friends,” said Ruslan Alikperov, the CEO of Direct Help Charity, who works with Kharkiv Direct Help International.

This partnership has been going on since the war in Ukraine began.