Aztec coach faces controversy over alleged discrimination

Aztec coach faces controversy over alleged discrimination

A school in the Four Corners is having a rough start to the season after allegations of discrimination and the suspension of two coaches.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Most schools around the state were ready for Friday night lights to return. But one school in the Four Corners is having a rough start to the season after allegations of discrimination and the suspension of two coaches.

“We figured that the community was great, great environment as far as sports wise goes,” said Nicholas Williams, an Aztec football head coach. 

Williams came to New Mexico to do what he loves, coach football. He was hired as Aztec High School’s head coach last January. He’s also a strength and conditioning teacher in the district.

This summer, he says he applied to five different administration roles in the district, but was denied each time.

“When those type of positions came up, I looked into them,” said Williams.

Now he feels there’s a bigger issue at play.

“I’m the only professional or teacher coach that’s African American in this district, and so I called them out on their bluff. I figured that it was a racial issue, because, again, I was exhausted of options. I didn’t know what it could be, that I interviewed six times for an administrative position that I felt like I was qualified for,” Williams said.  

After raising those concerns to the district, he feels they retaliated against him.

“It was just hell from there. It was, ‘Hey, look, we’re going to write you a letter of expectation,’ it was just petty stuff,” said Williams. 

Then, Williams and his defensive coordinator were both suspended after the district says parents complained about a drill.

“And just so happened, we’re the only two African American coaches on staff at that time, you know what I mean? All the staff was there during the drill,” said Williams. 

It’s called “King of the Ring” and some players say they’ve done it since the Young America Football League. 

“24 hours later, I got put on leave for teaching duties,” said Williams. 

Williams had two meetings with the district, but nothing came of them except huge support from the community, with dozens of comments online.

The district declined to comment on the situation, and Williams is still waiting to see if he’ll be re-instated.

“I know a lot of people the color of my skin don’t live in these parts of New Mexico, but, I’m here, I’m trying to make a difference. I’m not worried about adults, I’m worried about kids. At the end of the day, that’s all I’m worried about,” said Williams. 

Williams says his defensive coordinator was re-instated Friday ahead of the season opener. That game was ultimately canceled because of weather.

Right now, there’s no date set yet for another meeting with the district.