City leaders propose relaunch of homeless outreach program

City leaders propose relaunch of homeless outreach program

City leaders are proposing the relaunch of an old program called "There's A Better Way." It was started by former Mayor RJ Berry in September 2015.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – City leaders are proposing the relaunch of an old program called “There’s A Better Way.” It was started by former Mayor RJ Berry in September 2015.

During it’s run, “There’s A Better Way” provided thousands of jobs to homeless people and panhandlers across the city.

Back in 2019, people could make $50 for a five-hour shift. Fast-forward to 2024, city leaders hope homeless people still want the same thing, the chance to work for money.

“This will help us have a more quick, rapid response to cleaning up the city. We will be able to deploy them to a trash spill, litter spill, weeds. So we are going to be able to expand this as well,” said Billy Gallegos, director of the Solid Waste Department. 

The program is now called “A Better Way Forward.” It will build off the successes of Berry’s program, and expand to help the homeless work not only for a paycheck, but connect them with services to help them in the long run.

“It’s a continuum of care, honestly, when you look at it. Do we provide shelter? Do we provide housing navigation? Also looking long term is how do unhoused individuals have the financial income to be able to maintain themselves, have the food that they need? So, it was a gap,” said Gilbert Ramirez, director of the Health, Housing and Homelessness Department. 

Mayor Tim Keller will take the proposal to city council later this month. If approved, the hope is this 2.0 version will be as successful as Berry’s model. Back in 2019, it had become a model for cities across the nation.

“It was very innovative, and I want to credit RJ Berry, who by the way is famous for this program all around the country,” said Keller. “It is still something I get still get asked about from other cities.”

The goal is to have the program up and running within 90 days.