Man accused of posting speeding videos, teasing law enforcement released from jail

Man accused of posting speeding videos, teasing law enforcement released from jail

19-year-old Anthony Farias was arrested after allegedly posting video of himself street racing and driving by officers.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – The Albuquerque teenager arrested after allegedly posting video of himself street racing and driving by officers is getting out of jail.

KOB 4 showed you some of the videos authorities say 19-year-old Anthony Farias was posting on social media.

The videos show someone driving by law enforcement officers. The sheriff says it’s not smart to post your crimes, but it does make it easier to find you. 

“If you’re going to brag on social media, and I see videos myself of you running away from my deputies, not only putting them at danger, but our communities at danger, I take that seriously,” said Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen. “Keep bragging. You’re just making yourself a target.”

Farias had his detention hearing Wednesday afternoon. His defense argued his criminal history was minimal and his only previous charge was spectating a drag race.

A judge released him on his own recognizance.