Albuquerque judge carjacked, held at gunpoint in front of children

Albuquerque judge carjacked, held at gunpoint in front of children

An Albuquerque judge found herself in a terrifying situation Wednesday morning when she was carjacked at gunpoint while trying to load her kids into the car.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – An Albuquerque judge found herself in a terrifying situation Wednesday morning when she was carjacked at gunpoint while trying to load her children into the car.

Luckily, no one was hurt in this case. Police worked fast, and they were able to track down both the car and these suspects in about eight hours.

20-year-old Daniella Sandoval, and 30-year-old Joshua Dawson were in front of a judge Thursday afternoon. Both are accused of carjacking metro court Judge Claire McDaniel at gun point on Wednesday morning.

It was just after 8 a.m. when judge McDaniel was loading her children into her car outside their Mid-Heights home when she was approached by a couple.

Police say Sandoval pointed a gun at McDaniel and told her to get the children out of the car but leave her purse, phone and keys. That’s when police say Sandoval and her boyfriend Dawson got in the car and drove off.

According to the criminal complaint, police tracked McDaniel’s phone and that helped officers find the stolen car at a home on the west side. Along with the car, they also found McDaniel’s personal items and the car seats in the house.

Sandoval and Dawson have long criminal histories, both being charged with car theft multiple times in the past.

In fact, just last year, Dawson had a case in front of McDaniel. She agreed there was enough evidence to send his case for breaking into a car to district court, where Dawson pled guilty.

According to police, Sandoval confessed to this carjacking while in jail, even telling police the gun she used was a BB gun, and it was under the driver’s seat of the car.

It’s not clear if this was a targeted attack since McDaniel has presided over at least one of their past cases, or if this was just a case of wrong place at the wrong time.

The state has filed to keep both suspects behind bars until their trial. We will know if they are held in the next 10 days. 

KOB 4 asked the court for comment on this case, all they said was they are happy McDaniel and her family are OK.