Albuquerque neighborhood deals with fallout of flooding

Albuquerque neighborhood deals with fallout of flooding

Folks in a southwest Albuquerque neighborhood are still dealing with the aftermath of flooding this past weekend.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Folks in a southwest Albuquerque neighborhood are still dealing with the aftermath of flooding this past weekend. 

City crews were out Wednesday cleaning the streets. Neighbors told KOB 4 this was the second time since Sunday they were in their neighborhood. 

“Something just needs to be done, you know, in the past it happened and now again, and it’s just something that needs to be corrected,” said a southeast Albuquerque resident.

Neighbors say all the mud and debris which flowed into their neighborhood came from a nearby retention pond which overflowed off 106 Street and Eucrize Avenue.

“To have this continue to happen is kind of ridiculous. It’s frustrating as a homeowner to come out and have mud in the street right in front of your house. Silt washed all over the place, you know your gravel being washed away, plants being washed away, it’s just ridiculous,” said the resident.

The pond is owned by the City of Albuquerque. 

“It’s not retaining water. It’s not proper drained or grated or compacted, whatever that issue is, and you know it needs to get addressed,” the resident said.

He says he’s thankful the city came out to clean their streets, but he wants more to be done to prevent this from happening in the future.

“First time you shame on whoever but the second time shame on me for not saying anything so, that’s why I’m saying something.”

We reached out to the city about this Wednesday. A spokesperson told us the retention pond worked as intended, and prevented homes from being flooded.

The spokesman says because that neighborhood does not have sidewalks or curbs, rapid rain will cause dirt to wash up on the sides of the road. 

They say they’ve worked overtime since Sunday to clean up heavily-impacted neighborhoods like this one.