APD chief issued letters of reprimand following February crash

APD chief issued letters of reprimand following February crash

The chief of Albuquerque police was given two letters of reprimand following his crash in February.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Following an Internal Affairs investigation and disciplinary review by the superintendent of police reform, the chief of Albuquerque police was given two letters of reprimand following his crash in February.

The chief was on his way to a news conference when he came across a homeless camp and minutes later heard a gun shot.

He took off in his truck with his wife inside, running a red light and crashing into another driver. That driver was injured and was sent to the hospital.

An Internal Affairs investigation determined Medina violated two department policies, failing to safely operate his vehicle while on duty, and failing to fully activate his body cam following the crash.

“Obviously, I never intended to cause a crash. I am grateful that Mr. Perchert is recovering from his injuries,” said Medina in a statement. “All of our officers are held to the same standards and policies. I am no different.”