APD releases more details in Walmart shooting
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Albuquerque police say Maurice Lacey was arrested after he shot his wife in the back of the head at the Walmart Neighborhood Center on Cutler and I-25 in northeast Albuquerque.
Video of the incident sent in to KOB by a viewer shows Lacey walking out the store, kneeling and being arrested by APD officers.
Witnesses told police Lacey snuck up on his wife, and after he shot her, he threatened them before putting the gun on a counter and saying “I just shot my wife.”
Lacey now faces charges for domestic violence and assault with intent, among others.
Retired Albuquerque Police Commander Paul Szych said while it may seem bizarre to see a suspect surrender like that without issue, it’s actually pretty common.
“Because that’s what domestic violence and stalking-related offenders do. Right before they commit the murder is they get at peace with their decision, they now are calm about it, it becomes a matter of fact, very business-like decision. In this instance, it’s very odd, because most of the time, 95% of the time, let’s say, the individual is going to end everything, which means end the victim’s life, end their life,” he said.
Szych said workplace violence is related to domestic violence, and can be avoided before it gets to this level.
“Let the people at the front door know who the ex is, show them a picture, in this case to be the husband. This guy walks in and starts walking around, people need to be alerted he’s in the building, right?” he said. “The sad truth is the best place to murder someone, who you’re in a relationship with, is at work.”
Syzch said often times victims are targeted at their workplace because it’s easier for the aggressor to get to them.
“Let’s say she went to girlfriend’s house, say he doesn’t know where she lives. Any instance where he can’t find her the last place that people change, or stop going to is work,” he said.
If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence there are resources available for you in our state.