BCSO: Man arrested for illegal street racing on West Side

BERNALILLO COUNTY, N.M. — Bernalillo County deputies arrested a 27-year-old man as a part of an illegal street racing operation they conducted earlier this month.

Deputies were conducting an operation July 19 at a car meet near Paradise and Universe. Most of the people there weren’t doing anything illegal but a tipster informed BCSO that a possible person of interest was going to be there. The tipster reportedly said this person often showed up at meets and was known for allegedly pulling out firearms, recklessly driving and evading law enforcement. They also informed deputies that this person swapped out his license plate frequently to get away.

Deputies used the description they received to track down the person’s vehicle. They found that vehicle allegedly had a license plate that didn’t match its registration. As the vehicle left, a BCSO unit tried pulling it over for a registration violation. However, deputies say the suspect drove off and nearly caused a crash at Paradise and Unser.

Deputies let the suspect drive off as they said the charges didn’t warrant a pursuit. However, deputies in unmarked vehicles took photos of the vehicle before it left.

Those photos were effective. Deputies tracked down the suspect to a residence and arrested him last Wednesday. They identified the suspect as 27-year-old Mohammed Abdulwahhab.

“This is an excellent example of a successful joint investigation and the effectiveness of our drag racing operations,” Sheriff John Allen said. “This arrest, along with the recent arrest of Anthony Farias, sends a clear message to the illegal racing community that the BCSO is supported by vigilant, law-abiding citizens and is well-equipped with advanced technology.”

Abdulwahhab faces charges of aggravated fleeing and illegal street racing.