BCSO takes a break from ‘On Patrol: Live’

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — After a few months of controversy and with a new sheriff in town, the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office is taking a break from the show “On Patrol Live.”

This announcement comes a few days after the new Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen took office.

There’s been some debate over the last few months over whether BCSO’s involvement with the show was good or bad. For now, the cameras have stopped rolling.

“On Patrol Live” has been featuring BCSO for months. But on Thursday, BCSO officials announced on Twitter that they are putting their participation on pause.

The sheriff was not available to speak Thursday, but BCSO still provided more context today in a statement – saying in part,

“Sheriff Allen has only been in office for a few days so the decision to take a break from the show was to allow him and his staff to transition smoothly together … The sheriff will reevaluate our participation in the spring after he had has the chance to focus on his priorities for the office.”

BCSO’s involvement with the show became a big topic of discussion, especially during recent meetings with the Sheriff’s Office Advisory and Review Board, which asked for public input.

Many civilians addressed their concerns in this meeting back in October.

“I’m a social worker, so I often work with people who’ve had police interactions. It’s often some of the worst moments of their life and so I don’t think it should be televised and I don’t think the government should be making money off of hard times in people’s lives,” said a local community member during the review board meeting back in October.

Many people are responding now on Facebook and Twitter sounding out their concerns too — some happy with the decision and others fans of the show and sad to see BCSO go momentarily.

KOB 4 also reached out to Tommy Jewell, the chair of the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office Advisory and Review board. He said he and the board will continue to monitor the situation.

Again, this might not be a permanent move. BCSO officials said they will reevaluate future participation in the coming months.

‘On Patrol Live’ airs on Reelz which is owned by KOB 4’s parent company, Hubbard broadcasting.