New bill provides hope as fear among immigrant community grows
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — KOB 4 is hearing from immigrants and their families as false reports of raids continue to run rampant, spreading fear across the community. But as that happens, there’s new hope for many in the form of a bill.
Senate Bill 36 limits the state and state employees from disclosing anyone’s personal information to outside organizations. It aims to protect everyone’s privacy, but activists point out it would go a long way in protecting undocumented immigrants.
“We as citizens of New Mexico have a reasonable expectation that that information remains confidential and doesn’t get into the wrong hands,” Somos Acción, executive director Marcela Díaz said.
Personal information could include things like your driver’s license, immigration status, sexual orientation, whether they’re the victim of a crime and more.
“These are things that could potentially put a target on our backs when it comes to some of the federal government’s policies right now, but it can also make us more vulnerable to hate crimes and other targeting in our communities,” Díaz said
Supporters say it would help ensure the state no longer shares information like that to other agencies and organizations without someone’s consent. But according to Source NM, Republicans in the Senate argue the bill would hurt local law enforcement. They also say it could anger President Donald Trump and cause him to pull federal funding.
Ultimately, the Senate passed the bill in a 26-14 vote. Now it heads to the House before Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham can sign off. If it becomes law, in its current version, the penalty could be a misdemeanor or a fine.
On Thursday, Marcela Díaz with Somos Acción (We are Action) explained another piece of legislation, Senate Bill 250, could also support immigrants in New Mexico.
“It will ensure that the state and all of its political subdivisions not use the money, the resources that immigrants, as essential workers, have helped generate for the state against us, to separate our families, to terrorize our communities,” Díaz said.
Both bills come as fear spreads tenfold in our community as false reports of mass deportations and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids rise.
“What we see is that this administration, what it’s trying to do is to create that fear, create the chaos among our immigrant families and workers. And that’s not right for our families,” Civil Rights Immigration Organizer Fabiola Landeros said.
Fabiola Landeros with El Centro de Igualdad y Derechos (The Center of Equality and Rights) works with immigrants in our community.
“Our families deserve to feel safe when they go to work, when they go to school, when they’re doing their life here in Albuquerque, we call New Mexico home,” Landeros said.
Landeros says she’s seen this fear before.
“We saw pretty similar things [to what] is happening right now,” Landeros continued. “But also we can see when we are in community, when we are together, when we are united, we can fight against these targets.”
El Centro de Igualdad y Derechos has also been sharing what to do if ICE comes knocking, which they point out is important for everyone to know—regardless of your immigration status.
First, know that you do not need to open the door. No matter what they say or what documents they have. You also have the right to remain silent and can use that right. If agents continue to insist that you speak with them, you can decline and ask to leave.
KOB 4 has received numerous tips about ICE raids in Albuquerque and New Mexico, but has found all of them to be false. We’ve reached out to federal officials to get details on if there have been any raids or mass deportations but have not heard back.