Christmas lasts all year for Four Corners nursery

FARMINGTON, N.M. — The holiday season only comes around once a year, but for Ku-Tips Nursery in Farmington, that holiday cheer lasts all year round.

Tucked in the back of the nursery is a jolly surprise. It’s a room filled with Christmas villages, and it’s also a hobby that took some convincing. 

“There was a gentleman that was on Broadway down in Farmington that had this Snow Village in his shop and when he sold his business out, I had to beg them because they said typically nurseys don’t keep their product clean,” Debbie Kutac, co-owner of Ku-Tips Nursey, said. “She let me have just a few pieces and when she came back to see what I had done with it she said you can have all the villages you want.”

So, Kutak created all the villages that could fit in the back of her and her husband’s nursery. From Christmas in the city, to the roaring ’20s and, of course, some Christmas favorites.

“I just leave it up, and people do come all year they do come and ‘I hear you have a Christmas shop?’ and so we turn on all the lights and explore,” Kutac said.

And after 50 years in business, mixing plants with Christmas has been a match made in heaven for these small business owners.

“My husband, he takes care of most of the plants in the nursery part and this is my place back here,” Kutac added. “Ever since I was a little girl and I got my first barbie doll – I have been infatuated with miniatures ever since, so for me, this is like being in heaven.”