City details $5.8M in upgrades coming to Balloon Fiesta Park

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The City of Albuquerque detailed the $5.8 million in infrastructure upgrades that are coming to Balloon Fiesta Park.

They’re working on phases one and two of upgrades to electrical systems. That will consist of installing a new electrical transformer to increase the power capacity and reliability and extending electrical power to the western and northern edges of the fields, including the main concert stage area of the park.

Vendors Row will also get an upgrade to the main underground electrical lines, meaning vendors won’t need generators.

There will also be enhanced digital connectivity for all visitors and a public safety address system. They will also expand the sewer system to support new restrooms on the east and west sides of the launch field.

Construction will also start “soon” on the first new large bathroom building. That building will be on the south end of Vendors Row, near a main entrance and the pilot’s pavilion.

The sewage and electrical upgrades will help ready the site for a potential New Mexico United stadium but these upgrades will happen no matter what.

The city is also adding new parking at the northeast corner of the park. A new pedestrian walkway along the north side of Balloon Fiesta Parkway is also coming to improve pedestrian access and safety at that main entrance area.

Crews plan to complete all of these Balloon Fiesta Park projects this year. State and city funds are paying for them.