City of Roswell faces challenges ahead of National Championship Air Races

Roswell gets ready for National Championship Air Races

The National Championship Air Races are coming to Roswell in 2025 and there is a lot of work to do to get there.

ROSWELL, N.M. — Two months ago, the Reno Air Racing Association announced the National Championship Air Races would head to Roswell in 2025.

The next step is getting the Roswell Air Center all ready for those planes to take flight. That is easier said than done.

“The number of travelers that actually come into and out of the Reno Stead Airport for the Air Races, as I previously stated, is approximately 25,000 people during that week. Obviously, Roswell does not currently have the capacity to accommodate that many air travelers,” said Bud Kunkel, the chair of the Roswell Airport Advisory Commission.

Kunkel added, in the month of June alone, 6,000 people visited the air center. He said all of the parties involved in the Air Races need to come together and make a plan soon.

“Begin immediately to develop a plan. A plan and figure out a way to enlarge the terminal building that will not disrupt or hamper the existing operation of the terminal,” Kunkel said.

Funding is also a concern. Just adding to the terminal could cost the city anywhere from $12 million to $20 million.

City councilor Cristina Arnold said, even without the Air Races, they were going to have to expand anyways.

“I think it’s actually something that has been needed for a very long time,” said Arnold. “The issue of funding an expansion is when you actually bring in something like the Reno Air Races, you do know you’re gonna have to service more people. So it is inevitable that our terminal needs to grow. And that is actually a positive thing.”

The National Championship Air Races will take place September 2025 in Roswell.


Note: Some of the video is courtesy of the Reno Air Racing Association and the National Championship Air Races, not the Roswell Air Racing Association.