Construction of Los Lunas interchange to begin this fall

Construction of Los Lunas interchange to begin this fall

The route is drawn, the funding is secured, and now dreams of a new highway interchange in Los Lunas are finally shifting into high gear.

LOS LUNAS, N.M. – The route is drawn, the funding is secured, and now dreams of a new highway interchange in Los Lunas are finally shifting into high gear.

“We would like to be in construction in October or November of this year,” said Erin Callahan, deputy village administrator of Los Lunas. 

Callahan says the $154 million project will not only transform Los Lunas but the rest of Valencia County too.

“We anticipate that freeing up that congestion is going to, you know, open the doors for people to feel more comfortable driving down Main Street for their shopping. It’s also going to help connect other, you know, possible future activity centers in the village and Valencia county, that can facilitate economic development without overburdening access on this road,” Callahan said. 

She’s talking about State Road 6, otherwise known as Main Street. Not only is it the only way to get on and off I-25, but it’s also the only way to get across the Rio Grande.

“That’s an inconvenience for travelers, but that’s a safety issue when we’re talking about emergency response. We have times when our emergency vehicles can’t drive down the right side of the road, because there’s so much congestion,” said Callahan. 

Callahan says congestion was already an issue back in 2001 when this project first got started.

She says early estimates predict the new interchange expanded roadway and second river crossing will reduce congestion on Main Street by 40%. While reducing traffic is one benefit:

“This additional connection is really critical to helping grow and maintain our position as one of the leaders in economic development, and new employment in the region and in the state of New Mexico,” Callahan said. 

Callahan says construction on this first phase of the project could take up to three years. But once it’s done, the new road will cross the entire village and river, connecting I-25 and state highways 3 to 14 and 47.

But will there be significant delays on I-25 when crews are building the interchange?

According to the current plans, crews will not have to shut down I-25 to build the new interchange. But there may be some lane closures, and that’s not the only big project on I-25.

NMDOT officials confirmed Tuesday construction on a major I-25 improvement project between Montgomery and Comanche in Albuquerque is expected to begin in August. We’re talking new lanes, new bridges, and reconfigured interchanges. Officials say work there should last up to three years.

Construction on La Bajada Hill between Albuquerque and Santa Fe is almost done. That project caused significant backups in both directions, so there’s definitely some relief for anyone making that daily drive.

But clearly always more construction on the horizon.