Construction of new container park in Rio Rancho delayed

RIO RANCHO, N.M. – Construction on “The Block” in Enchanted Hills Plaza is about 50% complete right now.

The shipping container park was originally supposed to be ready by the fall, but crews say they’ve run into some delays.

“The project was a little delayed from the beginning. We had some permit issues and late design issues,” said Derek Schlegel, a Jaynes Corp. superintendent of The Block Project. 

Pushing the targeted completion out to December or January, with a potential opening date in the spring.

“But things have gotten started really well,” said Schlegel. 

Crews say it’s been a bit of an uphill battle with some of the weather they’ve had to work through.

“Remember those days we had a week where we have to date 75 mile an hour winds was really challenging, keeping material stacked and secure, and trash type material,” Schlegel said. 

Now that that’s settled down, they’re gearing up for heat.

“Wearing long-sleeved shirts, cotton. Drink lots of water throughout the day,” said Schlegel. 

Schlegel says he’s confident Enchanted Hills residents will soon be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

“The courtyard will be very cool. It will be more of an entertainment type of courtyard there will be a big stage, a nice projection screen where they can show movies, music, entertainment,” said Schlegel. 

Crews assured us whatever changes they make over the next several months – the view is here to stay.