Deputy cites elementary student accused of bringing ‘look-alike’ gun to school

Authorities cite student accused of bringing fake gun to school

According to the Chaves County Sheriff's Office, it was an elementary school student.

CHAVES COUNTY, N.M. — A school resource deputy reportedly cited an elementary school student Friday accused of bringing a “look-alike” handgun to school.

According to the Chaves County Sheriff’s Office, a student contacted a school resource deputy, advising another student brought a fake handgun with him in his backpack.

The school resource deputy got in touch with that student and immediately confiscated the backpack. Inside the backpack was that “look-alike handgun,” painted to resemble a real handgun, the deputy said. According to the sheriff’s office, the student said he brought the “look-alike” to show his friends it was a toy.

The sheriff’s office investigated and found the student didn’t brandish the look-alike handgun or threaten anyone with it. They did cite the student for possessing the look-alike gun on school premises. They released him to his parents.

“We want to stress that all students are safe & at no time were any students, faculty and/or staff put in harm’s way,” the sheriff’s office stated. “The Chaves County Sheriff’s Office; the Roswell Police Department & the Roswell Independent School District have a zero tolerance policy for any weapons or “look-alike weapons” on RISD property.”