‘Discovering Cannabis’ exhibit opens at the New Mexico State Fair

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — When you think of the New Mexico State Fair, you think of turkey legs and carnival rides – but this year marijuana is making its debut through a new exhibit called “Discovering Cannabis.”

“I’m so proud of the state fair for doing this,” said Kelly Butterman, cannabis educator. “They are starting to educate, educate, educate, that’s all I can say – education is the biggest thing we can do.”

Throughout the exhibit, visitors can read about every aspect of marijuana. Plus, there are plenty of experts willing to share their knowledge and answer any questions.

“This is a really safe spot for people to come in to, that might be too scared to go into a dispensary, this is a safe place for them to come into,” Butterman said.

Butterman will be giving educational talks about a variety of topics like how cannabis effects the body, how it relieves pain, and different ways to consume cannabis.

Speaking of consuming and smoking cannabis — fairgoers will have to save that for later. People can’t buy any marijuana at the fairgrounds either.

“If you can’t smoke a cigarette out here, you can’t smoke a joint either. So, let’s get that straightened out,” Expo New Mexico General Manager Dan Mourning said.

Mourning said he is hoping everyone will check out the fair newest exhibit.

“Its OK to ask questions,  I can’t say it any better than that,” Mourning said, “If you are feeling nervous, first of all, you don’t have to, no one is forcing anybody, it’s just something for people to take advantage of. Go in, take a look, make decisions for yourself what you need to make, but from an educated point of view.”

The exhibit is only open for those 21 and up.