Exhibit launched to strive for healthier and safer Central Avenue

Exhibit launched to strive for healthier and safer Central Avenue

The organization Together for Brothers launched an exhibit Saturday advocating to make life healthier and safer along Central Avenue.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The organization Together for Brothers launched an exhibit Saturday advocating to make life healthier and safer along Central Avenue.

Local elected officials joined the organization for the reception Saturday at the International District Library. It’s the culmination of Together for Brothers’ Central Avenue Project they launched earlier this year.

The Central Avenue Project documents and share the stories of “most-impacted communities” along the Central corridor. It also envisions a healthier and safer community with better food access, greenspace, and urban parks and mobility.

Together for Brothers hosted PhotoStory activities in the spring along Central. This summer, they also hosted neighborhood activities in various parts of the city for community members to share their stories and feedback and for the organization to connect them to resources.

Ultimately, they wanted to teach the community how to use photos and captions to tell their stories about problems, root causes and solutions.

The organization and its community partners will feature the photos elsewhere along Central and in Albuquerque. They hope it will garner funding for solutions that will benefit impacted communities.