Family mourns death of young teen a week after double shooting

Family mourns death of young teen

The family of 14-year-old Faith Flores described her as being full of life -- a life that was cut short in a double shooting last week in Taos County.

TAOS, N.M. — A week after 14-year-old Faith Flores’ life was unexpectedly cut short during a shooting, her family is mourning her and is still reeling.

New Mexico State Police arrested 76-year-old Manuel Martinez for allegedly killing his brother and Faith. State Police say it happened in Chamisal and that Martinez drove to Penasco to call police himself.

“It’s heartbreaking, it’s sad. Nothing will ever be the same without Faith,” said Ayesha Flores, her sister.

Flores said Faith was spending time with family member Ruben Martinez when they got into a fight with Manuel Martinez, Ruben’s brother, at his home. The fight ended with Manuel allegedly shooting and killing Ruben and Faith.

“She was just enjoying a summer day on Ruben’s four-wheeler and she just got caught in between,” Ayesha Flores said.

Court documents indicate Manuel thought Faith was trespassing and tried confronting her.

Faith’s uncle said finding out what happened was heartbreaking.

“It was pretty shocking. You know, we were here gathering for an evening dinner, to get a phone call to hear the shocking news of her getting shot,” said Felimon Varos, Faith’s uncle.

Court documents allege Manuel Martinez told State Police, “I killed Ruben and shot that girl. I’m tired of them abusing me!”

Now, Faith’s family says they want to honor her short life with a candlelight vigil Sunday night. They’re asking people to come out and remember the teen who loved sports and spending time outdoors.

“Faith was my best friend. She was my twin. She was wild. Everything was sparkly. She always had to look good. She was already dressed the best. We’re going to miss her so much. She was just a kid,” Flores said.

Police allegedly asked Martinez if he regretted shooting his brother and Faith. He allegedly said, “Yes.”

“I just want to be sure justice is served and he pays for what he did to my sister,” Flores said.

Martinez faces two open counts of murder.

The vigil is taking place Sunday at 6 p.m. at Picuris Smokes shop on the Picuris Pueblo. Faith’s funeral is Tuesday at Rivera’s Funeral Home in Taos. Services will start at 10 a.m.