Feds give Albuquerque Public Schools $7M to buy new electric buses

Feds give APS $7M to buy new electric buses

The feds are giving Albuquerque Public Schools some help in getting electric school buses.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – The feds are giving Albuquerque Public Schools some help in getting electric school buses.

APS is getting $7 million to buy 20 new electric busses. The funding is coming from the EPA Clean School Bus program, which was part of President Biden’s bi-partisan infrastructure law.

Sen. Martin Heinrich says the new buses will also improve health for students riding them.

“I remember sitting in the back because those were the seats you would fight over, but that’s also where the windows were down, and the diesel fuels would come in every single day. And we didn’t really think about it much back then, and now knowing what we know today, we realize what a huge public health issue it is,” said Heinrich. 

Heinrich says the electric buses will have significantly fewer moving parts compared to diesel buses, which should make maintenance easier and cheaper in the long term.

APS expects to get the buses within the school year.