Fight over Santa Fe obelisk heads to court

Fight over Santa Fe obelisk heads to court Thursday

A trial is set for later this week that could restore the controversial Santa Fe obelisk.

SANTA FE, N.M. — A wooden box covers the remains of the controversial Santa Fe obelisk but a trial is starting this week that could lead to its restoration.

The box is in the middle of the Santa Fe Plaza where protestors tore down the obelisk four years ago. Opponents say it’s offensive to Native Americans.

The obelisk was initially built to honor U.S. Civil War soldiers who fought for the Union. However, many of those same soldiers also fought against Native Americans. The monument also contains a quote specifically honoring the “heroes who have fallen in the various battles with savage Indians.”

On Thursday, a judge will hear from the Union Protectiva de Santa Fe Nuevo Mejico. The Hispanic heritage organization will ask the judge to order the city to restore the obelisk.

Last month, the city councilors began looking at the feasibility of moving the obelisk to the Santa Fe National Cemetery.