Grants High School cancels Friday classes after brief scare

GRANTS, N.M. — A blown electrical transformer, first believed to be possible gunshots, caused Grants High School students and staff to clear the school and call off classes Friday.

Around 7:40 a.m., Grants Cibola County Schools reported possible gunshots in the area of Grants High School and the district’s central office. Buses en route to the high school were rerouted to a safe location and students who drove to the school were asked to go home until it was safe to return.

Grants police were called in and secured the area. Upon further investigation, it was determined that an electrical transformer had blown in the area of Roosevelt and Pena Street and no gunshots were fired. Officials with the Continental Divide utility company also confirmed the blown transformer.

Grants High School students were given the day off to avoid any further disruption and confusion.