Heinrich, Vasquez call on Biden to drop out of US presidential race

Heinrich, Vasquez call on Biden to drop out of US presidential race 6:30 p.m.

Two members of New Mexico's congressional delegation are calling on President Joe Biden to end his bid for reelection.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Two members of New Mexico’s congressional delegation are calling on President Joe Biden to end his bid for reelection.

U.S. Sen Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., issued a statement acknowledging Biden as one of the most accomplished presidents in modern history and commended him for his leadership and years of service – before calling on him to pass the torch.

“The return of Donald Trump to the White House poses an existential danger to our democracy. We must defeat him in November, and we need a candidate who can do that,” Heinrich stated. “While the decision to withdraw from the campaign is President Biden’s alone, I believe it is in the best interests of our country for him to step aside. By passing the torch, he would secure his legacy as one of our nation’s greatest leaders and allow us to unite behind a candidate who can best defeat Donald Trump and safeguard the future of our democracy.”

Heinrich is running for reelection against Republican Nella Domenici. Domenici criticized Heinrich for the timing of his statement.

“Instead of having the courage to do this weeks or months ago, Martin Heinrich put poll numbers, Hollywood donor cash, and his political career ahead of the crises facing New Mexico families,” Domenici said. “It wasn’t the unaffordable prices, unsafe streets, and an unsecured border that made Heinrich ditch Biden. It was campaign cash, special interest, and his increasingly narrow re-election prospects.”

The New York Times reported last week that a top Democratic donor threatened to withhold campaign funds from Heinrich if he didn’t call for Biden to step aside.

U.S. Rep. Gabe Vasquez, D-N.M., issued a statement Friday afternoon, also calling for Biden to step aside:

“President Joe Biden is an honorable public servant who has dedicated his career to bettering the lives of all Americans. We owe him a great debt of gratitude for his time serving our nation.  However, I believe too many of our fundamental freedoms and the wellbeing of our nation are at risk under a Trump presidency and President Biden should step aside to give Democrats the best opportunity to win this November. With abortion rights under attack and our Democracy at stake, we must unite to defeat Donald Trump and MAGA extremists.”

Vasquez is locked into what is expected to be a close race against Republican Yvette Herrell. Vasquez defeated Herrell in 2022 by less than 1,110 votes.

Calls have been mounting for Biden to step aside since the first presidential debate. The debate and subsequent public appearances raised questions about his age and ability to serve a second term. Biden will turn 82 in November. If elected to a second term, he would leave office at age 86.

A recent AP-NORC poll found nearly two-thirds of Democrats want Biden to step aside.

National Republican Congressional Committee Spokesperson, Delanie Bomar, issued the following statement Thursday:

“Everyone can see Gabe Vasquez’s statement for what it truly is, a transparent election-year ploy to try to cling to his seat. President Biden is sitting in the Oval Office because Gabe Vasquez and Democrats hid the truth from voters and lied about the president’s condition. Gabe Vasquez must answer the question: Is Joe Biden fit to serve as President?”

KOB 4 also tried reaching out to Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez and Sen. Ben Ray Luján, but they weren’t able to comment.